All Termite Related Services

0861-00-88-11 | 079-876-8811

All Pest Control Services
0861-00-88-11| 079-876-8811

Domestic Pest Control

Termicon can help you treat and manage your Pest infestation at home or at the office.

With our extensive knowledge and experience in the Pest Control field, we can offer you a complete treatment program, whether it be a once of treatment or contractual agreement.

All our operators are professionally trained in-house and by third party specialists in the Pest control field. All our operators are also licenced with the Department of Agriculture (Act 36 of 1947).

We can assist you with any pest, whether it be Termites, Ants, Cockroaches, Rodents, Fleas, Bedbugs, Ticks, Crickets or unwanted Weeds in or around your home.

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    Contact our specialist Pest Control department to get free advice and quotations.
    Contact the Termicon Pest Control Team today and let us help you sort out your Pest infestation, quickly and safely.


    TERMICON can get rid of Ants with a professional Ant Control treatment. We service Gauteng, Limpopo, North-West and the Mpumalanga provinces.

    Ants are by far the most common and visibly active insects inside buildings. Ants invade buildings by entering through small openings, gaps and cracks in the building and even through the floor area in search of food and water. Without the proper Pest control training and products, they can be very difficult to get rid of successfully.

    There are many DIY ant repellents and treatments available off-the-shelf in most stores, however to effectively control ants, it requires the knowledge of habitat and biology. The help of a trained pest control company is normally required to gain control of the Ant infestation.

    Call Termicon today to help you with your Pest Control needs

    Click here to contact us for a quote

    How to help Prevent ant infestations:

    • Block off the point of entry: If ants are getting into your home, follow the ant trail to find out where they are coming from and seal it off immediately, whether it is a crack in the wall, unsealed window sill or other access points. You can use basic brick and mortar, cement, silicon or any other sealing adhesive.
    • Properly clean up after any spills and crumbs: If you spill any food or drink, clean it up with soapy water. Also be sure to keep your kitchen and other food areas clean and tidy at all times, taking care to remove any food sources that may be attractive to ants, including pet food bowls.
    • Keep an eye out for leaking pipes: If your home has excess moisture or plumbing leaks, an ant colony may see this as a reliable water source to move to.

    Call TERMICON today to assist you with your Pest Control Needs.

    Our Certification
