Termites are social insects that live in colonies and are known for their ability to cause extensive damage to wooden structures. One of the ways they cause damage is by migrating from one location to another, looking for new sources of food. In this article, we will explore the different ways that termites migrate.
Winged Termites
Winged termites, also known as alates, are the reproductive members of the termite colony. They develop wings and are capable of flying to new locations to start a new colony. These termites usually swarm during the spring and summer months and are attracted to light sources. Once they find a suitable location, they shed their wings and mate to start a new colony.
Termites are also capable of walking long distances to find new food sources. This type of migration is more common in subterranean termites, which build their colonies underground. Workers, which are the majority of the colony, will leave the colony and forage for food. Once they find a suitable source, they will leave a pheromone trail to lead other workers back to the food source.
In some cases, termites will migrate by flooding. Subterranean termites, for example, are sensitive to moisture and will move to higher ground to avoid flooding. During heavy rains, termites may leave their colonies and float on the surface of the water until they find a suitable location to establish a new colony.
Human Activity
Human activity can also play a role in termite migration. For example, if a wooden structure is built over an existing termite colony, the termites may migrate to the new structure for a new source of food. Similarly, if a tree that is infested with termites is cut down and used for construction, the termites may migrate to the new structure.
Termites are capable of migrating in several ways. Contact us at Termicon to help identify and prevent termite infestations at your property in Rosebank before they cause extensive damage to structures. Our Termicon team of expert pest control specialists are here to help you.