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How to spot a termite infestation in Rynfield?

Termites are everywhere, if you get the slightest idea that there is a termite infestation in your residence in Rynfield it is extremely important that you deal with it as soon as possible.

What are the signs of a termite infestation in my residence in Rynfield?

There are a lot of ways to check if you have a termite infestation in your Rynfield residence, some of which include:

  • Seeing actual termites in or around your residence is a sign that you have a termite infestation at your residence
  • Notice small brown wings around your residence. The chances are good that there is a termite nest close by.
  • Mud tunnels in the grass, on the paving, the bottoms of your walls, up on tree bark
  • Damaged wooden furniture, floors or trees that break easily and are empty inside with traves of dry or wet soil.
  • Stored wood in your lawns, like pallets, braai wood or tree stumps with soil “growing” in the sides
  • Patches of grass dying could be sign of Termites
  • Cluster of mushrooms, with a spongy like soil around them, is a clear indication of Termite activity


How did these insects land in my residence in Rynfield?

 Termites usually come from neighbouring properties such as neighbours’ premises, open fields, road side lawns, or in the estate where your house in located, chances are extremely good that these insects will migrate from one residence to another and that is how they eventually end up infesting your residence causing you the nuisance and hassles of trying to get rid of them and protect your valuable items and garden.

How to get rid of termite infestations in Rynfield?

This is the great part of it all, we are specialised pest control specialists, and we have all the necessary skills and expertise to assist in getting rid of any termite infestations once with long term success. Contact our dedicated Termite team at Termicon, so that we can help you get the nuisance of termites infestations out of your residence in Rynfield.

Termites are everywhere, if you get the slightest idea that there is a termite infestation in your residence in Rynfield it is extremely important that you deal with it as soon as possible.

What are the signs of a termite infestation in my residence in Rynfield?

There are a lot of ways to check if you have a termite infestation in your Rynfield residence, some of which include:


How did these insects land in my residence in Rynfield?

 Termites usually come from neighbouring properties such as neighbours’ premises, open fields, road side lawns, or in the estate where your house in located, chances are extremely good that these insects will migrate from one residence to another and that is how they eventually end up infesting your residence causing you the nuisance and hassles of trying to get rid of them and protect your valuable items and garden.

How to get rid of termite infestations in Rynfield?

This is the great part of it all, we are specialised pest control specialists, and we have all the necessary skills and expertise to assist in getting rid of any termite infestations once with long term success. Contact our dedicated Termite team at Termicon, so that we can help you get the nuisance of termites infestations out of your residence in Rynfield.
