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Why is it important to get rid of invasive plant species?

What are invasive plant species?

Invasive plant species are plant families or trees that pose a threat to the environment in which it grows and can spread super-fast, and it is therefore important to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Importance of getting rid of invasive plant species:

These plant species not only hold a great threat to the biodiversity and indigenous fauna & flora of South Africa, because of the harmfulness of the species.

Are there invasive species in my area?

The answer is most yes, as these species are spread wide across south Africa and these top two invasive alien plant species can be found in some of the following locations:

  • Gauteng: Balloon vine, Black wattle, Bloodberry
  • Limpopo: Black locust, Bugweed
  • Mpumalanga: Coral creeper, Yellow flowered Mexican poppy
  • Northern Cape: Blue leaf cactus, Castor oil plant
  • Western Cape: Rooikrans, Black wattle, Port Jackson, Silky hakea, Long leafed wattle.

What can I do to get rid of these invasive plant species?

A successful weed control program should be implemented, whether is it industrial weed control or selective weed control on lawns.

Contact Termicon Pest and Weed Control today for our weed control services, we specialise in the treatment of unwanted weeds and invasive plant species, we will assist you to ensure the safety of you as the landowner in safeguarding of the environment. It is very important that these species are handled with specialised treatment services, and we therefore recommend the use of our weed control services.

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