All Termite Related Services Nationwide

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The Mighty Termite

When it comes to small insects causing huge destruction in the world of pest control, there is
only one, the mighty and interesting Termite. The scale of destruction caused, especially when
considering their tiny individual size, is astounding. A colony of Termites can wreck entire
buildings. They have been around for millions of years with no signs of dying out anytime soon,
at least not without proper termite control, that is.

Wood Termite Inspections are Crucial

Termite inspections are the only way to ensure that your home and building is clear from the
hungry mouths of thousands of termites; chomping away at everything from your skirtings to
your floors.

Termite Control: Prevention is better than cure

The problem with termites infesting homes is that often by the time you see termites, in doing so
notice the problem, it may be too late. If there is one termite, then there are plenty more where he
came from and he is taking precious scraps of wood back to the colony so that the colony can
grow even larger by breeding even more termites!

Proactive Pest Control with Regular Termite Inspections

Regularly checking the wood in your home for signs of termites is the best solution to keeping
your wood, and often your entire home, safely intact. Regular termite inspections will ensure
your home doesn’t fall prey to a colony of hungry termites.
Stop termites before they can start with construction pest control from TERMICON.

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